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Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Herniation, Stenosis


The accurate medical term is lumbar disc herniation, which occurs when the intervertebral disc (disc) between the spinal bones protrudes due to improper posture, physical impact, degenerative changes, and causes inflammation and pain by pressing on the nerves. 

The disc is a tough, jelly-like substance that cushions the direct contact between bones during joint movement and absorbs external physical shocks. Therefore, if a problem occurs, one may experience persistent pain in daily life, and if treatment is delayed, surgery may be necessary. However, conservative therapy can be used for initial treatment.

Causes of lumbar disc herniation

mobile background

Symptoms of herniated disc

  • Pain or discomfort when coughing

  • Lower back pain and pain or numbness that extends down to the buttocks and legs 

  • Weakened leg muscles 

  • Recurring pain that feels like a sharp ache in the lower back 

Treatment for herniated disc 

In the early stages of a herniated disc, there may be relatively mild recurring pain. As the condition progresses, there may be pain from the lower back to the foot (sciatica), neurological symptoms such as weakened leg muscles and numbness, and if the nerve damage is severe, it can lead to loss of bladder and bowel control, sexual dysfunction, and paralysis in the legs. Therefore, accurate diagnosis and treatment of back pain is necessary.